More Skull Girl
In the interest of full disclosure, I want to state right up front that I did not really draw the following Skull Girl sketches. I essentially carbon copied them out of Wizard #172 and then altered them to suit my purposes. The point of these sketches was to help me develop Skull Girl's costume not to show off my limited drawing skills.
Sketch #1 was originally a concept sketch for Ultimate Scarlet Witch by Joe Mad.
Sketch #2 was a Spider-Woman picture. The original artist wasn't credited in Wizard, so I don't know who it was. If you do please let me know.
Comics you'll never get to see - the Sentry?
This character was actually created by Bill, but I did the costume sketches, so I'm including him here. Bill originally wanted to call him The Watchman, but I thought there might be, if not legal problems, at least artistic ones. So we renamed him the Sentry or maybe it was the Sentinal. Of course, now Marvel has a character named The Sentry, so there goes that.
He was to have both a "Golden/Silver Age" version and a "Modern Age" version. Here they are. Guess which is which.

The Sentry was a little bit Batman and a little bit Guardian, but he wasn't going to be the star of the book. The star was a young would-be hero called Wonder Boy or Boy Wonder. I don't remember which. Anyway, he basicly wanted to be The Sentry's new sidkick. The Sentry wanted nothing to do with a sidekick because his last one had gone-nuts-and-tried-to-kill-everyone.

What the hell is going on?

This Skull Girl post keeps disappearing. Here it is again. Let's see what happens.
The picture from the newspaper also went AWOL. So, here it is again, It's Hope and Me in The Lion, The Witch, and the Wardrobe.
Comics you'll never get to see - Mr. Fright, The Haunted Man
Bill once gave me a script called
Mr. Fright, The Haunted Man. On the cover was a sketch by Tom Floyd of a guy who looked a lot like Ragman. After reading the script I said two things.
1) This guy looks like Ragman.
2) I don't think this story is about a guy called Mr. Fright. I think it's about a guy called The Paladin.
So, Bill let me rewrite it as the Paladin. I'll tell you about him another time. But then we were left with this cool name and no character. Bill and I never could agree on who Mr. Fright should be if he wasn't going to be the guy in the original script. What follows then is my idea of what Mr. Fright looks like. Bill still thinks he looks like Ragman.

And in case you don't know, this is what Ragman looks like.

As you can see, though I didn't want Mr. Fright to resemble Ragman too much, I still wanted a frayed look.
Saw this IQ test on a friend's site, so I took it. I refuse to believe my Mathematical Intelligence is Exceptional. Seriously, I'm not good with the math. I count on my fingers.
Your IQ Is 110

Your Logical Intelligence is Below Average
Your Verbal Intelligence is Genius
Your Mathematical Intelligence is Exceptional
Your General Knowledge is Average
Comics you'll never get to see.

Due to the unreliability of people in general and artist in particular, the comics I've written will most likely never see the light of day. So, I'm introducing a new feature, COMICS YOU'LL NEVER GET TO SEE. It's a little glimpse of what might have been.
Meet Neuton John. He's a little bit Captain Atom and a little bit Mister Neutron without the military ties of the former or the silly voice of the latter. Neutron John, AKA John Newton, was meant to be the powerhouse of the comic book universe my friend Bill and I were creating.
The story would have been called
The Return of Neutron John. Years ago terrorists/super villains/whatever detonated a nuclear device in a large US city. John absorbed the blast with his body, thus averting disaster, but went missing immediately afterwards. Most people assumed that John had died, but really he was only in a coma. The government had been watching and studying his body in a secret facility since the incident. Then one day, John woke up.
That's where the story would have begun. I never got much of it written. I was waiting for something to happen with the stuff I'd already written before I put a lot of work into Neutron John.

Captain Atom + Mr. Neutron = Neutron John
Behold, the young geek.

I ran across this old newspaper picture of me from July 30, 1987. The local PBS station was having a fundraiser to try to get Dr. Who on the air. We succeded. I won a t-shirt in the look alike contest, mostly cause I had the curliest hair and the longest scarf.
Do you know this girl?
Are you this girl? Just wondering whatever happened to you.
Months ago I posted a really crappy photo of a photo of my old freind Raymond and me with James Doohan a.k.a. Star Trek's Scotty. I now have a proper scanner, so here's a better copy of the picture. I'm the one on the right.

And here is the autograph I got that day.

You can see more of my autograph collection
HERE. Some of the links and pics are screwed up, but now that I have a new scanner, I hope to fix that soon.

Phil Brown, the actor who played uncle Owen in the original Star Wars died on Thursday at the age of 89.
Remember when Star Wars didn't suck?
Click here for the full story.