Sunday, September 17, 2006

The Stage Game

Here I am officially documenting the creation of my new game so that when it spreads across the globe there will be a record that I was the one who created it. The Stage Game was created by me, Dominic Lopez, in August of 2006 during a production of Much Ado About Nothing at the Globe of the Great Southwest in Odessa Texas.

The game is played by actors who are performing in a stage production. I suppose that some of the points could be scored by actors in a television or movie production as well.

IMPORTANT! Playing the game must not interfere with the production. The play comes first. Therefore, it is best to try to work your points into the rehearsal process. Drastically altering your blocking on opening night in order to score points is not allowed!


It's very simple. Actors score points by doing certain things. The most points wins. Lead characters may be given a negative handicap if they seem to have an unfair advantage. Characters who don't enter until after intermission do NOT get a positive handicap as getting to relax during the first half is a bonus in itself.

Disputes are settled by the stage manager unless I am in the production. As the creator I get to be the final arbiter.

Points are scored as follows:
Taking center stage = 1pt.
Taking center stage when it is not your line = 2pts.
Entering first = 1pt.
Exiting last = 1pt.
Making another actor take your prop or costume piece = 1pt.

To "take" center stage you must stop at center for a reasonable amount of time. Merely passing over the center while crossing does not count.

Entering first and exiting last means either alone at the beginning or end of a scene or with two or more others at any point during a scene.

Making someone take your prop or costume piece only counts if it is not in the script. For example, if you enter and the butler says, "May I take your coat?" you don't get any points for handing it to him. Here's another example. In our production of Much Ado About Nothing, Leanato hands me a letter after he is done reading it. 1pt. Towards the end of the play he says to Dogberry, "Here's for your pains." and hands him a coin purse. 0pts. Dogberry then turns and gives the purse to Verges. 1pt.

So there's the game. Enjoy. Play fair and don't screw up the show.


At Tuesday, September 19, 2006 9:52:00 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

So what's your win-loss record? I will have to think of a variation for technicians/designers to play. (Though it goes against my theatre aesthetics- the tech should be like good makeup- and not call attention to itself.) Hmmm.

At Tuesday, September 19, 2006 1:30:00 PM, Blogger Dominic said...

We haven't been keeping score formally enough to know who wins, but people are noting when they score a point.

At Sunday, October 08, 2006 6:35:00 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

For some of us, we might want to get a point for NOT being center stage. hahaha. Myself included.

At Sunday, November 29, 2020 4:08:00 AM, Anonymous Property Company West Texas said...

Property Company West Texas


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