Wednesday, August 30, 2006

Pumpjacks in My Neighborhood #2

Today's pumpjack is also located on Redondo St.

And on another note, my cafepress stores are finally taking off a bit. Why don't you jump on the bandwagon and buy something? You know you want to. Everyone is doing it. It'll make you popular.

Visit these Cafepress stores now.
The International Vampire Hunters' Guild
Zombie Hunter
Krypton Uber Alles
The Third Base Comedy Project
The Cybernetic Socialist Party
The Captain Jack Show

Monday, August 28, 2006

Pumpjacks in My Neighborhood

Today we start a new feature to give my non Texan friends an idea of what it's like living in Odessa Texas, Pumpjacks in My Neighborhood. Nothing says West Texas like a big damn pumpjack by the side of the road. For those who don't know, a pumpjack is what they use to pump oil out of the ground after they've drilled for it with the taller "oil well" structure that you may be familiar with from movies and television. When working it resembles a giant steel bobbing bird

Today's pumpjack is located on Redondo Street near my house.

Floor Mats

Got Superman floor mats for my car today from Mom and Dad. Horray for Superman floor mats. Ok, it may not seem very exciting to you, but I'm pretty darn happy about it.

Tuesday, August 22, 2006

Astrology is Bigotry

In my daily quest to confront bullshit, I ran across this lovely article by Bob Steiner. Now, anyone with the sense Bob gave a doorknob knows that astrology is a load of dingo's kidneys, but I'd never heard it put quite this way before. It is undeniable though that astrology is indeed bigotry.

Astrological Clip Art provided by

Friday, August 18, 2006

The Amazing Randi

Every week on his website the Amazing Randi comments on the latest bullshit from the paranormal, new age, and general crackpot community. I made it into Randi's column this week, not as a crackpot, but for an e-mail I sent about last week's commentary

It's here It's under the part labeled "Maitreya Again"

Thursday, August 03, 2006

Zombie Hunter

For some reason my Zombie Hunter Cafepress store seems to be doing relatively well. Why don't you buy some Zombie Hunter gear too?

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