And now a tour around the neighborhood.Many people ask me what Odessa is like or what it's near. I tell them it's a stinking desert and it's not near anything. Here's some pictures so you can see for yourself.
This is our house.

This is the big cactus in front of our house. It is surrounded by several smaller cacti.

People think because we live in a big house that we must be rich. So, they used to steal out mail. We got a cousin to build this nifty mailbox for us and now it's not a problem.

This is what a Mesquete bush looks like before you burn it to flavor your barbeque. These things are all over our land.

But all is not bleak in the world, for I have a new
Well, folks, it's official. The Playhouse has decided to pull the plug on the show. I want everyone to know that this was not my decision. Bill, Stephanie, and I were willing to do the work nessecary to put up a new show by next week, but the Playhouse thought it wasn't worth the effort. I'd like to thank everyone who came to the show and the folks who worked hard to put it on in the first place, except for Christopher. He can go f*** himself.
The remaining members of the Third Base Comedy Project may try to give it a go again sometime in a different venue.
And now for something completely different. Click on this link to get me some points.
Serenity: The Official Movie WebsiteThis is for the new movie
Serenity which is a continuation of the most excelent show
By the way, the idiot pictured below has shaved his head. You'll need to know that if you're going to kick him in the balls. Apparently he couldn't wait till after the two performances he had left to do it. And I guess that it didn't occur to him that since there was already a guy in the show with a shaved head he might look a little silly. But there you go, some people don't think through the impact of their actions.

This is Christopher Borgman. Chris was in the my show
Niagara Falls!, but he decided suddenly that he HAD to move to New York this week. I don't know about you, but as far as I'm concerned, proper actors don't drop out of a show in the middle of a run no matter what the reason. It's just not cricket. Besides, I lived in New York for twelve years. I can assure you, there are already plenty of douchebags in New York. They don't need another one.
By the way. My mother is
NOT dead. Nor is my father. Our good friend Victor Lopez has recently lost both his parents, his mother just in the past week. Many people mistakenly believe that Victor is a member of our family. Although he may be
like family, he is not actually the offspring of Gerald and Patricia Lopez. It seems that some people are under the imperssion that it is they who have been ill and have passed on. Gerald and Patricia are fine. Our prayrs are with Victor in his time of grief.
A potentially disastrous development for my show. More later.

It's a sad sad day in geekdom as James "Scotty" Dohan beems up for the
last time.I met him once years ago. A real gentleman.
I don't have a working scanner right now, so this picture looks like crap. It's a photo of a photo, but I assure you it's me and my friend Raymond with James Dohan. And the next photo is his autograph.

Was up til 5 am reading the new Harry Potter. Good stuff. So far not as much of a downer as the last one, though I understand someone major dies by the end.
Last night's show went on, but still a small audience.
Saw Charlie and the Chocolate Factory today. It was good, but I do not agree with those who think it's better than the previous adaptation.

We had to cancel tonight's show due to lack of interest. Hopefully tomorrow will go better.
Meanwhile at the
Ector Theater, things are looking

Here's some pictures from Godspell.

I've changed the template for my blog so that my thousands of readers can now add comments. Have at it.

Well, the show is off to a slow start. The audiences have been small, but enthusiastic. We did have four old ladies leave at intermisson last saturday. We can only speculate that they were offended by the laguage. If we're lucky they will write an irate letter to the editor.
Here's a review of the show from the Odessa American. here is a general article about the show.