Wednesday, July 26, 2006


The best Star Wars films in the past 7 years are not the flaming crapburgers churned out by Lucasfilms. No, if you want quality Star Wars, click on over to and check out the saga of X-Wing pilot Pink Five.

And then watch the sequels Pink Five Strikes Back and The Return of Pink FIve Vol. 1.

You won't be sorry.

Friday, July 21, 2006

NEWS FLASH! Lucas Finally Pulls Head Out Of Ass!

Is he finally listening to fans? Can he not stand the thought of bootleggers making money that could be his? Or has George Lucas' head indeed come lose from his ass where it has been firmly lodged since sometime around 1999?

Whatever the reason, the original non-suck versions of the original non-suck Star Wars trilogy are finally being released on DVD. Mind you, they are in 2 disc sets with the suck versions, but what are you gonna do? They are only available for a limited time, 'cause he's still a bastard that way.

Unbelievably, Lucas also wants to sell you a t-shirt commemorating what a fucking idiot he is.

Wednesday, July 19, 2006

Some random stuff

Caught the premier of the New Sci-Fi channel show Eureka. I liked it and recommend it.

Saw Underworld: Evolution and BloodRayne on DVD. Did not like and do not recommend them. See The International Vampire Hunters' Guild for more detailed reviews.

Saw Pirates Two. Liked it, but thought it was a bit long. I don't think it will give too much away to say that I wasn't expecting a cliffhanger.

Anyone else on this Tribe thing? Do we need another online community. Still, it seems slightly less juvenile than MySpace.

Monday, July 10, 2006

Now it's really official

I had to change a flippin' flat tire yesterday. I guess I really am a driver now.