Tuesday, August 02, 2005

Here it is folks, the world famous Odessa Texas Giant Jackrabbit. It's moved arround town a bit over the years. Currently it sits in front of the main post office.

A few years ago New York had a "cow parade" wherein different goups painted and decorated fiberglass cows which were then displayed around town. They got the idea from some town in Europe. Well, now they're doing a similar thing in Odessa, but instead of cows they are using... you guessed it, jackrabbits. I'll try to take some pictures of those if I get the chance.

Here is one of the historic markers next to the jackrabbit. I believe it contains educational facts about real jackrabbits.

And here is the other one which is about the world's first championship jackrabbit roping.


At Tuesday, August 02, 2005 9:44:00 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Nice pictures of the Jackrabbit. Those of you not from Odessa probally don't realize how seriously some people take this statue. When some kids broke off an ear a number of years ago, they were charged with "desecrating a venerated object." Apparently it was also mentioned in the novel "North Dallas Forty."

At Wednesday, August 03, 2005 9:52:00 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I can't log onto ythe guild to post..whyforhowcome?


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