Friday, December 23, 2005

Once again without an artist.

I told some of you that I'd found a new artist to draw my comic, The Adventures of Fred Brown and His Amazing Pandimensional Multi-Ship. Well, guess what. She's quit. She has what are, to her, very good reasons, however she had assured me that this wouldn't happen, that she was different from the other artists I'd worked with. Everyone who knows her had told me this was a good idea, that she was great, and that I could rely on her. This is what I get for trusting people.

Time and time again I've learned the lesson not to work with other people and I keep forgetting. Hopefully I'll remember this time.

So, my friends I regret that you will probably never get to read the the wonder, the splendor, and the glory that is The Adventures of Fred Brown and His Amazing Pandimensional Multi-Ship. The thing is Fred depends heavily on his friends.

I'll be getting back to work on Infinity Jane now. Jane has no friends. She works alone.

Merry fucking Christmas.


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